I think riding the horses on the carousel and imagine a VERY high pitched squeaky voice here the "baby chicks!" were her favorite treat. I'd bet she could have spent all day there looking at those little guys. I feel another hatching project coming on.

She also got to go in the petty zoo, where no joking, a goat actually farted right on her! First thing, right when we got in there! It was hilarious, she looked around at the goat like, " I think I know that sound, and I'm pretty sure you're being rude!" She was also knocked over once by a baby sheep being charged at by a goat, but she seems to have survived fairly well. Nothing a little garlic fries can't cure!

Next year she'll be tall enough to even go on some of the bigger rides, like spinning apples and gently floating elephants. I think we've still got a few years til we have to worry about the tilt-a-whirl and the zipper, thankfully!
All in all, we had gorgeous weather (a pretty slim chance at our fair), tasting food and lots of family fun. We had a super fun time at the fair and Sycely was such a trooper, despite only a 15 minute nap as we parked the car. Can't wait to do it all again next year!
1 comment:
Yeah for the Fair! Thanks for keeping me updated. I miss you guys!
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