Sycely celebrated her 6th birthday with a triple dose of fun this year. she got to go to Birthday Breakfast with Uncle Ian and Aunti Kathryn. Aunti Kathryn made her a special birthday girl crown that she wore all day throughout all our celebrating. We spent the morning bouncing ourselves silly at Bouncin' Bears-the family activity she chose for her special day. Her BFF, Scarlett, came along with us. Despite Scarlett's many self-inflicted inflatable slide injuries both the big girls, and Ella had a super fun time. 

All that bouncing made us all pretty hungry so we followed it up with a tasty lunch as Sycely's fave locale, Red Robin. They of course did the usual birthday fanfare and sang to her as they delivered her ice cream sundae. After lunch we dropped Scarlett off and headed home for a little rest and prepping for her party later that evening.

Sycely requested a jungle animal party this year, which she then denoted to her guests should also be a costume party. We kicked off the party fun with a few jungle animal themed games. First, we played an ostrich egg relay game where the kids played the role of mama ostrich carrying an egg (white balloon.) They had the balloon between their legs and had to do a length across the room and back and pass the balloon off to the next ostrich in line. 

Next, we played animal charades. Before the party the girls helped me choose animals and selected computer graphics to represent the animals. We printed them out, and glued them on cards. The kids selected a card and then acted out the animal on their card for the other kids to guess what animal they were being. Ella got her favorite animal, and elephant.

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