As far as an update on our house situation, we've been showing our house about 4-5 times a week, we've looked at houses, picked one out, and made an offer. It was quite a bit lower than the listing price but the sellers have agreed to accept it once we are in contract with a buyer for our current house. So, we're keeping things immaculate (hard enough in itself with two girls who aren't entirely onboard with that endeavor!) and working like crazy to get us a buyer. We've recently signed on with our Buyer's agent, Ruth, to list our house and we hope that will get us enough increased traffic to get us a buyer signed on the next two weeks. Continue to pray that God will bring us the right buyer and that everything with selling and buying will work together smoothly to bring about the good things we know He has in store for our family. We're pretty excited about our new house and hope to be celebrating the Holidays there, gathered around the fireplace making new family traditions and memories.
We got to celbrate our friend Julie's birthday a couple weeks ago. We went on a large group date to play Bingo, always looking for a new adventure. It was fun, mostly because we had such a big, fun group that were all Bingo rookies. But the real fun came between games when we got to take in some rat racing. Think roulette with a rat instead of a ball. It was a hoot! I actually even won $6 on one turn when the rat went into my birthday number, 28! Such a fun adventure for all of us. I feel so blessed to have such great, fun, supportive friends in my life.
Ella and Sycely have both been battling yucky germs, both having colds about two weeks ago. Since then Sycely came down with a bladder infection. She'd been fighting a high fever for about 6 days and after a visit to the pediatrician we finally found out what was causing it. They thought she had something viral and had told us to keep her hyfrated and as long as her fever was responding to Tylenol we were ok, but if it went up to 105 then that meant it was bacterial and to bring her in. Once we hit 105.9 we called and got her in asap. She's on antibiotics and her fever disappeared completely. She's had to miss two days of pre-school and one week of ballet school already, but was able to get back to all her regular activities this week. Little did we know she wasn't contagious that whole time afterall!
Ella got two new teeth this week for a totaly of six now, with what looks like one more on the way. She's been building up some confidence in the walking department and will take a couple lunging steps now, and took abotu 8 steps between me and Lem the other day, but she still favors the one legged crab-style side scoot for getting around most of the time. She's talking up a storm, using two word phrases and the like. She also says Sycely's name now which is really adorable. She's quite the little cutey pie these days. She LOVES the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See and will bounce and bounce chanting "brown bear brown bear brown bear" when she reads it. Her hair is turning out just as curly as Sycely's and is developing its own unruly flips here and there.![](
Sycely and Ella are really starting to play together now that Ella is getting a little older. They build with legos together and have tea parties and play with Little People and animals together. Sycely is so generous with her little sister and is always offering her one of her special stuffed animals or a favored toy with phrases like, "Here you go, Sweetie, Honey."
Lem, Sycely and I went on a super special date to see the Broadway stage production of Lion King last week. Sycely has been fascinated with the speical features footage of the stage production on the movie DVD for months so when we found out Lion King was coming to town there was no doubt we were going. She even has a homemade rendition of Nala's costume and mask for the daily re-enactments she performs-and that was BEFORE we saw the show live! Ella stayed home with Nanny and Papa and Sycely, Lem and I donned our finest and had dinner and then headed to the Performing Arts Center. We had really great seats and were able to see EVERYTHING. The first 2 minutes alone gave me goose bumps and brough tears to my eyes, being able to share such an amazing with Sycely and seeing her astonishment was such a memorable blessing.
My birthday was kind of overshadowed by Sycely being sick so it wasn't as "golden" as I'd hoped but we did get a chance to go on a date for a nice dinner and then have dessert with a few friends. We also had dinner and a yummy Reese's Blizzard cake with Lem's family on Monday.
The snow is making a rather rapid decent down our mountains this year. There was none when we started last week, one day there was a dusting on the tips and by mid-afternoon the following day it was more than half way down and has continued it's gradual crawl over the last few days. The air is certainly crisp and quite chilly these days. No question winter is just around the corner. Time to unpack the winter gear and do some boot shopping, I guess.
Hope you're all enjoying a lovely fall. We welcome your prayers for health and a quick and smooth housing transition for our family. Hope you are all safe and healthy!
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