The last three weeks have passed in a pleasant, furious, comfortable blur. We've gotten to enjoy lots of time as a family of four, thanks to Lem being home the last few weeks. We've figured out how things are going to work around here now that we have a second little princess with her own demands and Sycely continues to lavish attention and love on her new sister. We haven't had any meltdowns or ill sentiments so far so we're praying that the transition to sisterhood has been as smooth as it appears to have been for her. Even I've been amazed by how well adjusted she's been. We worked really hard to help her prepare for Ella's arrival and the changes that would follow and so far it seems to have paid off and been well worth the effort. The results have been far better than I ever could have even imagined! Praise God for that blessing!

Ell had her first appointment with Dr. Willow, our pediatrician last week. She's grown an inch and gained over a pound. The bulking up she's been doing is starting to show in her face which is filling out more now. She now weighs 8 lbs 4 oz and measures 21 inches. Once again both the midwives and Dr. Willow have diagnosed me with "super milk." Regardless of my "super milk" and Ella's growing, dressing her still remains a daily challenge. Despite an unending selection of clothes, options that actually FIT are limited. She's still in all newborn size (smaller than 0-3) and many of those options are even too big. Pants, like her older sister, continue to be WAY too big in the waist and often fall off her tiny waist when I pick her up.
Despite how little she is (we been refering to her for months as "Tiny") I know that before I know it those newborn pants will fit, and before too long she'll be wearing a 2T like her sister and not long after that she'll be heading off to her first day of school. I remind myself daily (and during those nightly feedings!) that they don't stay this little for long and I have to savor every moment I can and cherish the memories we'll be making along the way.
Your princesses are precious!!! That looks like an awfully proud big sister and a sweet little sister:) I'm so glad to see the update and to hear that life in Alaska is fabulous as ever!
Wow, great pictures! I love the B & W one. You have such sweet babies! Sure you don't want more??
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