Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ella-Phant Fun

We took Sycley down to our local Build-A-Bear shop this weekend. We thought it'd be fun for her to pick out and make some matching stuffed animals for her and Ella, plus, Mommy had a coupon! :) We had talked about what kind of animal she wanted to choose and she was pretty set on elephants. When we got there she had a brief moment of relapse and wanted to do bears for a minute or two, but eventually went back to her original choice, the elephants. So she picked them out and set about the process of filling them with fluff and love. She had lost of fun going through the whole process, and even was brave enough to stand on the pedal that makes the fluff shoot in this go round-progress over our last Build-A-Bear visit in Arizona. She knew just what to do picking out hearts to put inside the elephants and followed every step of the "ceremony" the store employee led her through-rubbing the heart on her nose, cheeks, neck, shoulders, etc then eventually giving each one a kiss and tucking it inside. The elephants got closed up then she gave them the traditional air bath and was super meticulous to screub behind their big floppy ears :) She helped me use the computer to fill our their birth certificates-we named Ella's Ella-Phant (hee hee!) After we finished up with that adventure we had lunch at one of our favorite places-Arctic Roadrunner, and of course, wouldn't you know, BOTH elephants just HAD to join us for fries and milkshakes. Mommy made the elephants matching shirts that say Big Sister and Baby Sister (hopefully we'll be able to keep them straight for a while that way-maybe).

All picked out and ready to stuff...
Stuff and Fluff...

Picking out hearts for the elephants
The Heart Ceremony...
Tucking the hearts in our elephants...

All done

Bathtime for the elephants...
Filling out the birth certificates
Having lunch with our new elephants (and demonstrating how to "call their Mother...Ba-Roo!")
Striking a post with Daddy

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