Another month has come to an end and, like always, it's been a busy one around the Wheeles household. March started off with me doing some extra lessons with a student I share with another coach. We spent the first weekend of March out in Wasilla for a skating competition. my skater did well placing 1st in two events and tying for 4th in a third event. That weekend also kicked off Lem's spring break. For the first time in years we spent spring break at home, which actually was a nice change of pace. We were able to spend lots of extra time with the girls, getting to take Sycely on some dates and enjoy some quality family time. That included another attempt at taking Sycely skating. She tolerated things a little longer this time, actually standing up on her skates and getting on the ice this time. Mommy is having to be VERY patient with her little princess wanting to learn to "skate like Mommy."
The second weekend of March was state games for Special Olympics. That all went extremely smooth and our season has, thankfully, come to an uneventful close. Since Special O has wrapped up I've been able to use my Friday for lessons I actually get paid for, so that's been a nice bonus!
BFFs, Ella and Charlie-watching the snow fall
March also brought about an exciting endeavor for me. I officially became a Mrs. Alaska contestant. It's something I've been considering the last few years (both ladies who have won the last two years are in my Mom's group at church so I've gotten to hear some about it) but finally felt I'd reached a place where I didn't have major fitness hurdles to overcome in order to compete. So, after much prodding and convincing from friends and family, I've entered my first pageant. It's definitely something that is going to challenge me, but I'm so excited to have the opportunity to refine some things about myself and sharpen some skills in preparation. The pageant will be held here in Anchorage on June 7th and consists of 4 equally scored portions: panel interview, on stage interview (in coctail dress), fitness (in swimsuit), and evening gown. So far I've got both of my dresses picked out and a "back up" suit, but am still looking for something fabulous to wear for my interview and need to order my swimsuit. I'll get to start my coaching with the pageant director soon as well.
I took Sycely on a date to the circus this month. She loved watching the "sisters in the pink outfits handing on those ropes and spinning with their necks." Ever since we've heard a lot of "Guess who I am at the circus?...I'm the 10 yeard old little sister" or "I'm the lady with the dress that changes." It was certainly a fantastic show and we saw some amazing talent. Hopefully Sycely does try to replicate too much of what she saw involving aerial ballet and tightropes and bicycles!
We had our first planning meeting for the Governor's picnic last week. The picnic's going to be about 2 weeks later this year and we're expecting aroudn 10,000 people thanks to Sarah's new-found National stardum. Lem and I went to the Governor's prayer breakfast this past weekend. We listened to a really great speaker and enjoyed our morning outing-despite the early hour. Unfortunately, Miss Sarah wasn't able to make it thanks to a little uprising around here called Mt. Redoubt.
Ash covered the snow in our front yard this week
Our beloved nearby volcano has been shaking and shuttering and on a "watch" level for months but finally decided to "let off some steam" so to speak starting early last week. Redoubt has now officially errupted close to 20 times since March 22nd. Only once has Anchorage gotten a dusting of ash though we have had hazy skies from the volcanic gas and ash hanging around in the atmostphere. Redoubt continues to wreak havoc on the flight schedules at the airport cancelling most if not all flights on most days due to erruptions in the flight paths in and out of Anchorage. just another little way living in Alaska is the unique expereince it often is.
We rounded out the month celebrating Lem's birthday. We had a birthday dinner with his family, a pizza/wii party with friends and him and I went to a fancy dinner on his birthday. The girls and I also visited him at school for lunch as a birthday treat. Sycely made him a card all by herself writing all the words and decorating it with a precious drawing of her "hugging Daddy."
Out little "bath gnome"
Musical like Mommy?
Ella continues to grow like a weed. She's moved beyond the scoot, to the crawl to the "quick as can be" crawl that allows her to get into anything anywhere faster than I can catch her! She's also quick to go from sitting to crawling and vice versa. She often pulls herself onto her knees and can pull up to standing now, too. She's got two teeth all the way in and more soon to follow I'm sure. She's getting to eat a few more foods now, trying new things slowly but surely. So far no reactions to anything so that's good news. She always seems to have something to say these days and she's quite outspoken about her input. She's using all those strong consonant sounds and she still LOVES to sing (and dance) whenever she hears music or singing. She also gives super sweet (open mouthed) kisses.
Ella's 8 Month Pictures
We're spending this coming weekend down in Soldotna (hoping the volcano won't disrupt our planss!) at a skating competition. One of my special skaters will be competing in two events and I'll be competing and judging as well. I took and passed the test to become a certified bronze level judge this month so now I haev yet another way to earn some skating related income. Since I'm going to be there anyway, I figured I might as well do some judging and skate a little myself. I'm also planning to compete in a competition this summer-doing a Cinderella number for Sycely :) Guess that's all the updating we've got for now. We'll keep everyone posted on any new excitement.